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How I got started with Python

So I was an occasionaly programmer, in PHP, C#, and Javascript. I decided I wanted to become a fulltime programmer. So I started as an intern with FoxyCart doing PHP. After around 4 months with them, I got a job doing Python at BorderJump.

Day One

I did not know a single line of Python, but as soon as I found out I was going to be doing Python I dove right in. I got started by working on some online tutorials and one book:

I worked every exercise in both tutorials and can easily recommend them both. The book on the other hand wasn’t my style.

I also was very fortunate to be introduced to the #pynash IRC channel, and meet @jorendorff. For some reason, he agreed to meet me and spend a few hours teaching me Python and the Flask web framework. He guided me through the Flask tutorial.

Month One

Then @R_Macy, my coworker began teaching me every more and more everyday, and we spent a long weekend at HackNashville building my first real Flask application, Sucratrend. It’s during this time that I picked up:

The first of those books was my favorite at the time, and the second one was good to read snippets I didn’t feel I understood well from other sources.

It was also during this time that I was lead to, and started getting some help from @binarydud. Also, Ryan and I travelled to PyArkansas, and I got exposed to the broader Python community.

Month Three

Then Codecademy launched their Python training course, and I stumbled across How to Think Like a Computer Scientist and Ryan shared The Python Standard Library by Example

Month Four

In month four, I finally was finding my development Rythmn, and I stumbled across a ton of great resources:

Month Seven

Then I joined Stratasan, and attended PyCon. I think PyCon was mind altering and certainly a great way to fall in love with Python. You get to see so many different sides of the Python language and the community. I also recently stumbled across the following free books:

Summary so far

So I’m far from good or even functional as a Python programmer, but I can certainly say there are great resources available to learn from and many of them are FREE! I’d really recommend Learn Python the Hard Way, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python, and The Python Standard Library by Example. There are a ton of amazing functions built into the standard library that are easy to miss. The last and most important piece of advise is to plug into the community and start buying lunches and coffees for people. We have a ton of smart, helpful pythonistas in Nashville who will share their knowledge with you.